I founded Morgan Restoration and have experience spread over five decades creating stylish contemporary homes both new build and within abandoned industrial and agricultural buildings (often listed). I built-up an enviable reputation, both with house builders and home buyers alike winning various awards in the process
For developers facing the challenge of listed or historic buildings retained on site, my in-depth experience offers a viable solution, turning what may be considered as a liability into an asset. My unique wealth of expertise can enable the regeneration of buildings of historic and architectural interest, providing a solution making projects possible.
This experience is now available to individual home owners or communities in the UK or Mallorca, either commissioning a new build or reforming/ maintaining an existing property, I can supervise, specify or snag on behalf of the owner. In addition I can assist with most planning issues, property disputes and issues faced by Associations of Owners in Mallorca under The Law of Horizontal Property (Ley de propiedad horizontal). Recently I have acted in obtaining planning in the Metropolitan Green Belt, to convert a former chicken shed into 3 detached dwellings, approval to install a large solar array to charge a Tesla car, and overturned an enforcement notice regarding unlawful development on agricultural land.
I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building and a Chartered Construction Manager, on the following pages you can see some of the projects I have carried out over the years, unless stated otherwise these projects have been taken from inception to completion under my total control.
Barry Morgan BSc BA BA(Env Studs) FCIOB CCM